JW World Headquarters Warwick, NY

What a beautiful drive out to Warwick! Fall is in the air🍁🍂 we even got a little rain after this.

So, here it is……..

It’s amazing… what can I say. And it was busy but organized. We definitely needed more time to see the museums but it was overwhelming just trying to take it all in.

The grounds are so nice and the views spectacular. It’s an amazing place for our Brothers to head Jehovah’s earthly organization, I could envision one of them working on a talk looking over the lake.

And then there’s the museums….. so interesting. So Steve and I have lots to talk about especially after we get our pictures all together. But, here’s one special find…….

It’s from the Bible exhibit ….. a replica of one of the Isaiah scrolls of the dead seas scrolls showing Jehovah’s name….

We are onto Patterson & Wallkill Branch offices tomorrow………

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