Juneau Excursion …. The Glacier 

Yep, today we are on land ✨.  We had plans of a bus tour of the town then out to a glacier then back to town for the tram up the mountain  which included dinner. Whew , that was as exhausting to type as it was going to it all 😜. But we had a great time. First off it was foggy, cold & drizzly and ABSOULUTLY wonderful! For those who know… I wore the hat,scarf and gloves I made for the trip so that was great 👍🏻. And the main thing I was hoping for from this trip was cool weather… No big storm or anything just any weather besides the heat. So here’s a few pic’s from today…..

On land
Mendal Glacier
Tram ride
Tram ride down after dark

Now tomorrow will be another  excursion but this time in Skagway………👋 

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