The Musee d’Orsay… My “Must See ” choice

The Louvre… Well, it’s the Louvre.  It’s amazing , incredible ect…. But the D’Orsay for me is inspiring.

It reminds me why I always wanted to paint! So… Here’s my run down

Vincent Van Gogh, he was a nut who needed to paint. Here’s a self portrait……….

Looks nice and he’s really good with contrasting colors…. Now here’s his room where he went nuts…..

Now , poor guy he did get help and he continued to paint while in the asylum… The Med’s helped.  I did note that the Starry night was not there and neither was his sunflowers 😩 but these two where. 

So, wow! And that was just the first room I saw! The place is incredible… Here’s a view of the main area and all the display rooms come off to the sides. 

So obviously we got lots more pic’s to share latter … Just thought you’d like to see an artist you knew first.

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