What’s on my Easel in Nov & Dec

Been concentrating on 2 classes right now, my Bargue drawings (to improve my drawing & my eye for composition) and my oil painting on-line classes. The drawing classes are on Zoom every 2 weeks with New World School of Art & my painting is from websites DrawMixPaint.com with Mark Carder & You tube videos of Paul Foxton. It’s really been enjoyable to feel like I’m making some progress and having fun doing it.

I’m already doing posts for my drawing class so I can see my progress all in one place. So on my “Easel” posts I’ll post some of my painting endeavors.

This is from Nov. , I did from a YouTube demo from Paul Foxton but used Mark Carder’s paint & color methods.

First painting trying Mark Carder’s method. I want to keep working on these methods.

Another artist’s on line class , just trying different methods.

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